Somatic Sex Education™ is a unique combination of embodiment and mindfulness that brings you into a greater felt sense of your erotic experiencing. 


Somatic Sex Education™ makes use of the latest findings in sexology and neuroscience. Mindful practice moves the nervous system into greater integration and coherence. This means your erotic practice increases your capacity for empathy with yourself, with others, and with every aspect of your life. How good is that?!


The heart of the approach is regular practice over time. To enable this to take place it is recommended that you attend a series of regular sessions, for example weekly, fortnightly or monthly. In addition I will usually suggest home practice so you can continue learning in your own environment.


"Thank you for such a safe and hugely intimate and beautiful experience. This work has given me a profound sense of healing and liberation"

- J. B., Learning support worker


Somatic Sex Education™ tools include:

  • Body focusing

  • Learning how to touch & the Wheel of Consent

  • Using breath and movement for relaxation, to self-regulate arousal and excitation and to create greater ejaculatory choice

  • Mapping genital or anal sensation

  • Learning what you want & how to ask for it

  • Orgasmic Yoga and mindful slf-pleasure coaching

  • Scar tissue remediation e.g. after childbirth or surgery

  • Appropriate tone for pelvic floor muscles

  • The embodied use of pornography


"Kian's integrity and sense of the sacred has enabled me to drop deeply into the intelligence of my own body, opening doors in a way that I hadn't thought possible.  I am so grateful to have been able to place myself in the hands of a man that I could trust - what a gift!

I can truthfully say that he is the best bodyworker that I have ever known.  Kian works with clear boundaries in a supportive and deeply powerful way.  The work that we have done together has been transformative for me."

- L. H., Psychotherapist

Online classes

I have partnered with Erotic and Orgasmic - the premier resources for Somatic Sex Educators, Sexological Bodyworkers and their clients to bring you the very best online erotic education and instruction. Online tutorials are offered by some of my favourite teachers including Joseph Kramer, Annie Sprinkle, Chester Mainard, Barbara Carellas, Jaiya and many more. Explore new pleasure possibilities for both solo and partnered erotic practices to educate your hands and heart! Just click on the links above and click on a class to enrol or to get more information. You can watch the class online or download-to-own in Quicktime, Windows Media or Flash. All individual classes are included with a two-site membership for $29/month!